Holy paladin applying

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Holy paladin applying

Postby Yuusha (imported) on Fri May 16, 2008 12:22 pm

Hi there, I was wondering if you have a spot for a holy paladin.

My gear isn't that great yet, but I've been grinding instances a lót to get where I am now.

21 years old, Dutch yet fluent in English.

Can raid almost every evening around 20.00 gametime.

Got a lot of experience with Karazhan, Gruul & ZA on my mage (cleared up till ZA 4/6) and healed a few heroics and tons of 5mans with my paladin.

Quick summary of specs (unbuffed!) followed by armory link:

6547 health

9153 mana

1267 +healing

88 mp/5 while casting

16,57% critchance

(again, this is completely unbuffed)

Armory: http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Turalyon&n=Yuusha

Thank you in advance for the responses Image
Yuusha (imported)

Holy paladin applying

Postby Dris (imported) on Fri May 16, 2008 5:45 pm

hi yuush, thanks for the app. i'll pass this on to our resident pally officer durfink (or in his absence, seraia, our pally-tank extraordinaire who also knows a thing or two about pally healing).

to raid the instances we're in atm, which are tk, ssc and soon hyjal/bt, i can see you'll very quickly need to get some decent kara level gear, or badge rewards, judging by your armory link, but it's good to see what you do have is enchanted; so many people fail to do this and miss out on some hefty improvements. however, we still run kara and a decent number of heroics so i don't anticipate this taking too long. with our current shortage of active raiding pallies we're more interested in a level of commitment and enthusiasm from guild applicants.

we raid mon/tues and thurs in 25mans, 10mans most other nights, and there's always something going on for those that aren't raiding.

our trial procedure consists of some 25man raids, some 10mans and even 5mans, not to mention social activity in guildchat. this usually lasts a week or two.

thanks again, and gl with the app!




Dris (imported)

Holy paladin applying

Postby Yuusha (imported) on Fri May 16, 2008 6:39 pm

Well I wouldn't be much of a healer if I hadn't enchanted my gear.

That's about +120 healing or more and lotsa int..

Healers in blues (or even worse, greens in some cases) without enchants don't get very far do they? ^^

Anyhow, thanks for the reply!

Looking forward to receive an answer from the pro-er pallies Image


Yuusha (imported)

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