
Think you've got what it takes to join The Devils Backbone? Post your details in here and we'll get back to you

Moderators: Drexx, Løyning


Postby Northwestdakota (imported) on Tue Apr 08, 2008 12:45 am

Good evening,

I have been in this guild before as Thornrage, I left to place all my toons in The Renegade of Funk. Well that was about a year ago and I would like to join again.

I guess the question is why do I want to join... Well TDB is very similar to the RoF, however there has recently been some personality clashes with another officer in the RoF and it is for the best that I leave. So I have left the guild with all my toons. I would like to join this guild as I know you are a casual guild, but you take raiding very sersiously, much like the RoF.

Some info about me

I am 26, male and married. I work as an IT purchaser 9-5. I can raid most evenings but will only be available 2-3 raids per week. Hey I said I was married Image

So my toons

My feral druid, usually in cat spec, but my tank gear is much better

My mage

My hunter

And my resto shaman (Needs a couple of drops)

I would be happy to join with any of my toons, I treat them all as mains, I don't really have a preferance.

Thanks for your time, and I would understand if you did not really want someone that had already left the guild to join again.

Northwestdakota (imported)


Postby Highspirits (imported) on Tue Apr 08, 2008 2:01 pm

Hi there, I thought I would post even though it is best to wait for guild leader or application officer to respond. However the main reason to post is to advise that we as a guild do rely on mains so if you could let us know who you would be wishing to join with as your main for raiding purposes so that the correct officer can respond to your application.

We do not have alot of raid spots free at the moment, however some officers may be looking for extras in there class so if you could let us know we would be most appreciative.




Highbred - Death Knight (80)

Rogues don't die, we just fade away! (Then come back as Death Knights!!)


Highspirits - Rogue Officer(70)|Jenkins - Druid Tank(70)|Jaegar - Shadow Priest(70)|Salivor - Fury(70)
Highspirits (imported)


Postby Northwestdakota (imported) on Tue Apr 08, 2008 2:14 pm


Thanks for the quick response, I honestly do not mind which toon I use as a main. What ever toon joinded would be my only raiding toon, I do not have time to raid with TDB and anyone else, well maybe i'd be doing a random casual raid every now and then.

So to answer your question, its up to you guys. If I based the question on my raid experience I would say I have most with my hunter, resto shamy and mage.

Sorry I cant really give you a more specific answer, but as I hope you can see from my toons gear I have put a large amount of effort in all of them, they are all enchanted to the max (My Shaman needs a couple, I just need to find a enchanter).
Northwestdakota (imported)


Postby Highspirits (imported) on Tue Apr 08, 2008 2:30 pm

Ok, well this will need to wait for Dristan who is the guild leader as no specific officer will really be able to respond if you wish to put all forward. We use mains for raiding for the reason that having one of your characters with the best gear possible at the raiding level is better than having 4 middle-high geared characters sharing raids.

The reason it is better to leave it up to the applicant is that once a main is selected then changing after a month or two due to wishing to play another class will do the guild no good, so it is best to choose the character you most like playing.

Anyway as I say it would be best to wait till GL or App officer responds to advise what spaces may be free.

Good luck,



Highbred - Death Knight (80)

Rogues don't die, we just fade away! (Then come back as Death Knights!!)


Highspirits - Rogue Officer(70)|Jenkins - Druid Tank(70)|Jaegar - Shadow Priest(70)|Salivor - Fury(70)
Highspirits (imported)


Postby Dris (imported) on Wed Apr 09, 2008 3:31 pm

hi thorn, and thanks for the app (and to phil for dealing with it thus far)

from my pov, and one that would benefit us greatly, i'd say it would be nice to have your resto shammy in as a main. this is a spec of shammy we're lacking atm (oddly enough those shammies we do have that are considered mains usually respec to dps fairly quickly...) and healers presence in runs are usually the make or break of them. we have no shortage of mages and even hunters are covered adequately at the moment.

obviously, if you don't enjoy healing as much as dps we may have a problem, but that' s best left to seeing how you perform on your trial with us (and class officer jirani will certainly notice if you're lacking in that dept Image a trial usually consists of some 25man runs, kara (or if you're exceptional possibly za) and ofc heroic 5mans.

if/once you're accepted you're entitled to bring any of your alts into the guild, and they're allowed to raid as many heroics or kara's as you like. the main raiding stipulation is reseved for what we deem progression instances and these are currently ssc, tk and za.

and we're only to happy to have (most) old bwners back in the guild, although you may find, since your time with us, that things have changed a little Image




Dris (imported)


Postby Northwestdakota (imported) on Wed Apr 09, 2008 3:56 pm

Thanks for the reply Dris, I would be very happy to accept the trial with my resto shammy, I don't mind if I am healing or dealing as long as i'm raiding with people that all get along (well for the most part Image )

Who should I ask for a invite when I am next online?
Northwestdakota (imported)


Postby Dris (imported) on Wed Apr 09, 2008 6:08 pm

forum swallowed my original reply in which i was witty and such, so this time, straightforward facts will have to do.

you can ask cheekybelle, jirani or myself for your invite - one or other of us is usually around most days. jirani (also known as bram) will be your class officer and all the officers will eventually decide if you pass or fail the trial... so gl!




Dris (imported)


Postby Highspirits (imported) on Wed Apr 09, 2008 6:45 pm

Bram loves people raiding in PvP gear, so when you meet him put it all on and say "this r ma imba pvp gearz, I'z rockin, gimmie lootz" and I'm sure you'll get welcomed with open arms!



Highbred - Death Knight (80)

Rogues don't die, we just fade away! (Then come back as Death Knights!!)


Highspirits - Rogue Officer(70)|Jenkins - Druid Tank(70)|Jaegar - Shadow Priest(70)|Salivor - Fury(70)
Highspirits (imported)


Postby Hawksun (imported) on Wed Apr 09, 2008 7:06 pm

Also calling him TEH GAY SHAMMY seems to help people have told me.

Dristan : "Maybe we should fight them there???"
Hawksun (imported)


Postby Dris (imported) on Wed Apr 09, 2008 7:16 pm

ignore all those.

just tell him how good he looks in his skirt...




Dris (imported)


Postby Bramwyn (imported) on Wed Apr 09, 2008 8:31 pm

How did this turn into a take the piss out of Bram thread =/

Anywho will be cool to have another resto shammy on board

Ace:- "what do we do?"

Rico:- "KILL EM, KILL EM ALL!!!"

(bwner mentality)
Bramwyn (imported)


Postby Hawksun (imported) on Wed Apr 09, 2008 9:24 pm

High started it!

/points to High

/spell reflect

Dristan : "Maybe we should fight them there???"
Hawksun (imported)


Postby Cheekybelle (imported) on Thu Apr 10, 2008 8:16 pm

Be nice to Bram, or next ZA, I will not dispel his MC!

No blue bar = dead main tank
Cheekybelle (imported)

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