Waldamar - Warrior

Think you've got what it takes to join The Devils Backbone? Post your details in here and we'll get back to you

Moderators: Drexx, Løyning

Waldamar - Warrior

Postby Løyning on Wed Dec 03, 2014 9:41 pm


Your age: 26

Your nationality: Dutch

Your gender: Male

Can you use Vent and do you have a microphone (you don't need to speak to join but we do need you to listen):
Yes I can and yes i do

How long have you been playing WOW:
Vanilla, BC, part of Wrath, Cataclysm an part of pandaria

Will you be able to attend the raids (answer yes, no or maybe):
Monday 20.15-23.00: Yes
Tuesday 20.15-23.00: Yes
Thursday 20.15-23.00: Yes


Character name:
Character class:
Character ilevel:
638 Fury / 638 Tank

How long have you been level 90 (use /played in-game):
6 days

Character spec:
Prot mainly, and fury

Which glyphs are you using, and why:
Shield slam to dispell magic effects, Glyph of gag order to silence those loud casters from afar when needed so they have to stand closer so you can hear them cast spells, glyph of unending rage; more rage to build up.

What stats do you think it is important for your character to focus on:
Armor/Bonus armor and stamina, the longer i can stay alive the longer i dont cause a wipe.. by dieing, also bonus armor increases my damage output.

Do you have an offspec and do you have gear for it:
yes i do, and kinda yeah, the items are kinda being random on me so its not all optimised but i've got a few good pieces

Character tradeskill professions and levels:
Smithing and mining, mining is maxed, smithing is 663. My secondary crafts are all maxxed out.

Make sure to give us an armory link using the armory button above inserting your character name between the tags (please log off in your PvE gear):

What sets you aside from other applicants:
I'm not sure, between me and other players theres a plethora of better and worse players, I think i'm avarage up to a point where people calling themselves "skilled" start playing.

Previous guild(s):
Non omnis morriar, Seven, non omnis morriar again, a guild or two of wich I cant remember the name and last but not least The Exiles. Non omnis was a guild with wich i raided during WotlK, we killed arthas gloriously but then fell apart during Cataclysm at the start. This was bcause peope wanted to raid but were not putting in enough effort to get the gear. I quit for a while and when i came back I joined Seven as a dps warrior, and a tank for a while. Then for some reason I joined another guild wich i cant completely remember.

After that I think went back to seven to raid Dragonsoul, after Mists started the raiding would not pick up (i dont think this was with seven) and i took anothe rbreak, i came back when soo came out and the first round the raiding was not bing commited to, so i left for a while, i came back a month later or so and took it upon myself to get raids going. It went pretty good untill one of the officers fell out due to dissagreements with the way the guild wanted to go as a whole. We did still raid but now in Draenor we took another big hit when after a lot of patience and anticipation a few core members left us to play horde.

Thats why i am now applying here.

Reason(s) why you left previous guild(s):
I think the previous answer gives a good explanation

Reasons why you would like to join:
I am quite eager to actually experience the raiding from beginning till end this expansion, and i was told there might be a chance of me tanking in this guild, hence i'm writing this application.

Were all of the above characters levelled by you from the start?:
Yes all characters i have are leveled by me, for me.

Any alts you would like to join with:
Not in particular, but maybe later on when I run out of things to do on my warrior.
I have a paladin, a warlock, a rogue and a hunter all in Draenor (94, 92, 92, 91)

Are there any people in the guild that you know:
I know Tova in the guild, shes the one who let me know about the possible position.

Recruitment monkey!
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Re: Waldamar - Warrior

Postby Løyning on Wed Dec 03, 2014 9:45 pm

Thanks for trying to write us an application Waldamar, I took the liberty of putting it in the right place.

We will have to turn it down, however. This is because we're not actually in need of a tank, or a warrior of any description at this point. And as such we simply wouldn't be able to fit you into our raiding roster.

But we could squeeze you into a social spot if you'd like, since you're a friend of Tova. That is the best we can do though. Poke me in-game if that's something you'd like. :)
Recruitment monkey!
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