Foemp, Brewmaster monk

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Foemp, Brewmaster monk

Postby Foemp on Fri Jul 26, 2013 3:48 pm

Your age: I'm 28 years old.

Your nationality: I'm from Belgium!

Your gender: Last time I checked, male!

Can you use Vent and do you have a microphone (you don't need to speak to join but we do need you to listen):
I do have Ventrillo installed (aswell as TS3 should it be required). I still lack a microphone as of yet, but will be getting one soon.

How long have you been playing WOW:
I've been playing WoW since Vanilla, although I never reached max level at that time...
Did some very casual raiding in TBC (as in: a few runs through Karazhan & SSC).
More casual raiding in WoTLK on my prot pally (Faceroll tanking at the time!)
In Cataclysm I did a lot of raiding on my SV hunter, topping charts, leading the odd raid here and there.
I took a break from WoW right before Firelands hit, came back a few weeks ago and here I find myself wanting to raid again...

Will you be able to attend the raids (answer yes, no or maybe):
Monday 20.15-23.00: Yes.
Tuesday 20.15-23.00: Yes.
Thursday 20.15-23.00: Maybe.

Character name: Foemp

Character class: Monk

Character ilevel: 486 but I'm gearing up as we speak!

How long have you been level 90 (use /played in-game): 2 days, 2 hours, 24 minutes and a few seconds...

Character spec: Brewmaster!

Which glyphs are you using, and why: I tend to swap these out a little, to see what's what but here is what I currently have setup:
Glyph of Fortifying brew: An additional 5% damage reduction is a fair tradeoff for the 10% health increase (coming down from 20%), I tend to use this brew fairly often so it does increase my general avoidance over time.
Glyph of Enduring Healing Sphere: Bubbles of health on the ground for me! Normally these bubbles only last a few seconds, now they'll stay for 3 minutes! Fantastic in encounters where there's a lot of movement involved, allowing me to take some strain off the healers!
Glyph of Spinning Crane Kick: Allows me to move at full speed while using SCK, such a good glyph in terms of mobility, sadly it has it's limited uses (need 3 or more targets to make SCK usable in my rotation, otherwise it's just an energy waste...)

There is some argue wether or not to use Glyph of Guard, now while this does allow for more damage absorption, it only absorbs magic damage. I do have this glyph, and it can be VERY usefull on very heavy magic encounters, and while it does make it easier to maintain it's uptime (and thus receiving a 30% self healing bonus) it does not add up to the physical damage that isn't absorbed. On very heavy magic encounters it will prove usefull, but otherwise I won't be using it as much...

There are several other very viable glyphs and I personally believe that while some of them are just silly, quite a lot of them have their uses... If I find a certain glyph isn't helping an encounter, a quick swap and try again!

What stats do you think it is important for your character to focus on:
Hit for obvious reasons, a missed attack is both energy waste and possibly a raid wipe due to aggro issues.
Expertise: The less the boss can dodge/parry, the more Chi I can generate, thus allowing me to generate better threat.
Agility & Stamina sort of sit on the same line: Agi for obvious reasons, gives me avoidance and attack power and some crit! Stamina is a bit more iffy and should be judged in a raid enviroment, basicly I should have enough stamina to take a couple of hits to allow the healers some time to react.
Haste: More energy regen means more Chi generation, means better threat control. Although Haste does lose value once you hit 8000 rating.
Crit: Every white crit has a chance to generate up to 3 Elusive Brew stacks, Elusive brew itself increases my chance to dodge/parry by 35% for the time equal to the stacks consumed (I usually pop this when I'm at 6-9 stacks, depending on how I can fit it into my rotation at that given time.) making this quite an important stat (although one to be juggled with a little)
Mastery: Straight up Stagger increase, usefull at times but not something I'll be excessively stacking. The rating required to make a huge difference would mean gimping other, more important, stats...

Do you have an offspec and do you have gear for it:
I have a windwalker offspec, but no gear for it. I don't really use it either...

Character tradeskill professions and levels:
Herbalism: 600
Alchemy: 600
Cooking: 600 (alhtough technically this is 585, I have a +15 racial increase in cooking, because I'm a panda!)

Make sure to give us an armory link using the armory button above inserting your character name between the tags (please log off in your PvE gear): ... p/advanced

What sets you aside from other applicants:
I can cook a mean spaghetti sauce! Perhaps my tenacity? I don't mind contious wiping, as long as there is some form of progress!
Previous guild(s):
My previous raiding guild was Kaiju on Bloodhoof, this fell apart somewhere after I took my break pre firelands.
Previous guild was The Dragon Brother's on Turalyon!

Reason(s) why you left previous guild(s):
The Dragon Brothers are a social guild, very friendly people, but next to no raids planned. And I wish to raid!

Reasons why you would like to join:
Although I've never done full 25m raiding before, I have had ample experience in 10m raiding and, while fun,I really would like the challenge of a 25m raiding setting.

Were all of the above characters levelled by you from the start?:
Yes. I'm pretty up tight on account security.

Any alts you would like to join with:
I currently have an alt in the guild! A very low level warlock :)

Are there any people in the guild that you know: I've known Allu for quite some time (he was our tank in Cata! And a very good one at that.) Gotten to know Løyning and Devilin a bit aswell.
Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Jul 17, 2013 12:35 pm

Re: Foemp, Brewmaster monk

Postby Løyning on Sun Jul 28, 2013 5:07 pm

Alrighty dude, having discussed your application, we've decided to offer you a spot. But, and there are a couple of buts;

1. You can come raid once your gear is up to the challenge.
2. When you are ready for raiding, you will have to warm the bench a bit, seeing as we already have 3 tanks. You will obviously get to raid when our two current OTs are unavailable, and maybe even if they are't, that is if you are okay with damage- dealing.

Hope that's alright, and cya in-game in a sec!

Good luck! :)
Recruitment monkey!
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