Spiez - Restoration shaman

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Spiez - Restoration shaman

Postby Spiez on Mon Jul 01, 2013 11:35 pm

Hey Everyone in Devil's Backbone

Your age:

Your nationality:

Your gender:

Can you use Vent and do you have a microphone (you don't need to speak to join but we do need you to listen):
Have both Vent and working mic

How long have you been playing WoW:
Since beta - started on this toon, my lovely shaman

Will you be able to attend the raids (answer yes, no or maybe):
Monday 20.15-23.00: Yes
Tuesday 20.15-23.00: Yes
Thursday 20.15-23.00:Yes


Character name:

Character class:

Character ilevel:
470 - I know its low, but working on it as we speak. Just resently lvl'ed my shaman from 85-90, so he is somewhat behind, since I have been playing my DK as a main since (late) wrath and through cataclysm till now. Also my shaman has been sitting on another server for that timeperiod.

I know it might not be on par with you current raiders gear and I don't expect being chosen for the raids/progression raids until my gear is better but as will be explained in the apply I think my understanding of the game makes up for alot of what is missing in gear, and gear comes pretty fast these days.

How long have you been level 90 (use /played in-game):
At lvl 90 its only 17 hours, but all in all the playtime on my shaman is 195 days, so I have some experience in the raiding scene with that specific class.

Character spec:
Restoration -always been my favourite choice.

Which glyphs are you using, and why:
Wont be covering all the minors but for majors its has to be said first of all, that after the revamp we saw to glyphs/talents in MoP its very fight dependant which ones you choose but, why am I then using the specific ones right now.

Glyph of Healing Stream Prolly one of the most default resto shaman glyphs out there - its viable in every situation as when it heals somebody it also makes them take 10% less dmg from either fire, nature and frost dmg taken by 10% for 6 seconds which in the long run translates into alot of mana, that I can use elsewhere.

Glyph of Healing Wave Just an awsome glyph that makes it so that I dont have to be so weary of my own health, especially in those moments when there is alot of dmg going on to the whole raid because I recieve 20% of the healing done to another target - so its just a nice passive heal that contributes to my focus being on the raid and not my own healthbar.

Glyph of Telluric Currents This might be something from my past or past expansions - but for 5mans and other minor iinstances I have always liked to do something and gain a little instead of just sitting around and staring when the tank/grp/raid takes no dmg. It just makes the playstyle of resto more fun, that I can shoot a Lightning bolt now and then for a little mana gain (I know its not big, and sometimes a disadvantage) But he'll in LFR and 5 mans where I have been until now at lvl 90 it doesnt make that much of a difference.

Future considerations: With ongoing progression there will be some switching back and forth in Glyphs, so even in my app I would find it wrong to set in stone how I am going to be glyphed, since it will probably change over time and nothing is set in stone as with the new talent system - there's alot of options and it might chance from fight to fight.
One big difference that I am thinking of, if not doing so right away, would be to pick Glyph of Fire Elemental since it actually contributes to my healing throughput via Primal Elementalist - lvl 90 talent

What stats do you think it is important for your character to focus on:
Well ofcourse intellect and spirit would be the first to go for - after that it would be haste (to the 3. break point to get 8 ticks out of Riptide which equals 5674 haste rating) and after that mastery and crit as the last of the secondary stats that I am aiming for.

But as mastery increases our throughput/longetivity (Healing Per Mana) in that its effectiveness increases the lower the targets health is. Therefore it might be handy to go in more masteryheavy gear during progression fights and haste (HPS) for farm fights because you prolly will have more raiddmg during progression than on a farm boss and that is where our mastery really shine.

Do you have an offspec and do you have gear for it:
I have elemental as my off spec, but atm I am pretty much focused on gearing for resto, so dont quite yet have the gear for it.

Character tradeskill professions and levels:
LW: 525
Skinning: 525
Working on it ;) Main focus was to get it to 90 and ready for raiding.

Make sure to give us an armory link using the armory button above inserting your character name between the tags (please log off in your PvE gear):
Spiez - edit: Seems the ling doesn't work since I just transfered from Ravencrest, but it'll prolly be updated within a short period of time.

What sets you aside from other applicants:
What sets my aside from others is my understanding of the game - not just mechanics but also how it has evolved from the beginning. I have always been a huge fan of the PvE aspect of the game and it is still what drives me today. I would say that having been raiding since Vanilla and all the way up until now gives me the advantage of having tried raiding in alot of different environments and also with different raidscales (40, 25, 15, 10). Even though the mechanics probably were alot easier back then in Vanilla and even TBC compared today that is also one of the things that sets me aside - because even though the mechanics were easier they didnt feel easy at the time, and in that regard I have grown as a raider because of those "easy" mechanics and the different raidscales made it so that you had to develop raidawareness which is crucial to nowadays raiding. And last but not least have I played the shaman as resto through almost every single expansion so my understading of the class goes a long way back and even now after he has had a long break I feel confindent playing as resto right away.

Previous guild(s):
Just transfered from Ravencrest - he has been unguilded for quite some time due to the fact that I have been playing my DK which were in DOB's.

Reason(s) why you left previous guild(s):
Well, he hasnt been in any guilds on Turalyon but as said I have a DK in DOB's on which I have been raiding.

Reasons why you would like to join:
I would like to join TDB because I want to try out 25 man again - it being the largest raidscale there is atm, and I miss the good old 40m, it seems like a place where I could give it a try. Alto I have only been doing 10m for the last two expansions and I felt like I needed something more or just the feel of a bigger raid, more ppl and more fun all in all.
As TDB has pretty much the same progress as I do - we did get 12/12 normal with Dobs before stopping but you guys being at 9/12 makes it pretty much even (Though it wasnt on my shaman I did it).

So to sum it up - I would very much like to join because of the more epic feel of 25m, the need for raiding and lastly getting to know alot more ppl on the server.

Were all of the above characters levelled by you from the start?:

Any alts you would like to join with:
Not at the moment, but I have a Blood/UH DK,Oathbringer, sitting at 532 ilvl who can help if needs be, but that char is not the one i'm primarily applying to the guild with.

Are there any people in the guild that you know:
My brother, Dugï, who recently joined.

Hope to hear from you soon
Posts: 10
Joined: Mon Jul 01, 2013 9:22 pm

Re: Spiez - Restoration shaman

Postby Løyning on Tue Jul 02, 2013 12:09 am

Nice app there Simon, we'll be in touch asap!
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Re: Spiez - Restoration shaman

Postby Løyning on Wed Jul 03, 2013 4:25 pm

Recruitment monkey!
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