MakMak - Level 70 Fire Mage

Think you've got what it takes to join The Devils Backbone? Post your details in here and we'll get back to you

Moderators: Drexx, Løyning

MakMak - Level 70 Fire Mage

Postby MakMak (imported) on Fri Nov 07, 2008 1:53 am

Character name: MakMak

Character class: Mage

Character level: 70

Character spec: Fire

Character tradeskill professions and levels:

Tailoring 375

Mining 375

Highest boss killed in SSC: N/A

Highest boss killed in TK: N/A

Highest boss killed in MH: N/A

Highest boss killed in BT: N/A

I have done Kara, ZA, Gruul and Magtheridon, but part of the reason I want to join is because I haven't had a chance to do the higher raids.

Armory link:

Previous guild: Gatemasters of Hell

Reasons why you would like to join: As mentioned prior I would like a chance to get some high raid stuff done, and even though WotLK is coming I would like to attempt the 25 man versions of new content. I joined Gatemasters of Hell to be with a friend, Thouds/Erana from a previous game, and even when he left I stuck around a bit to see if things improved, which unfortunately they haven't. It will be sad leaving but i'm paying for a game in which I can't play all of, if you get my meaning.

I feel I get along with people well and (hopefully) a couple of people I know in TDB such as Thuds/Yuusha can verify that.

Were all of the above characters levelled by you from the start?: Yes.
MakMak (imported)

MakMak - Level 70 Fire Mage

Postby MakMak (imported) on Fri Nov 07, 2008 2:11 am

Sorry, i'd also like to add that voicechat will be awesome as I used to do it on another game I played, plus over Xbox Live.. Would have to buy a new mic though..

Also, regarding my enchants.. Some of this gear is pretty new (head, shoulders, cloak, legs) so I didn't want to waste mats/money enchanting them when they're soon to become obselite with the expansion.. But if it's a requirement i've no qualms about doing so.

Also, a bit about me:

I'm 21 and live in Liverpool. England. I've played WoW for two years (however i've become more involved the last 6 months).
MakMak (imported)

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