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Foxdie - 2/48/11 Fire mage.

PostPosted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 9:49 am
by Foxdie (imported)
I'm aware your not recruiting atm but i got told i could makean app.

Character name: Foxdie

Character class: Gnome

Character level: 70

Character spec: FIre 2/48/11

Character tradeskill professions and levels : They're sucky and im aware, i never have time to do them. My First aid is going up but that's about all, my tailoring and mining i will soon upgrade to a higher level in the future.

In The Devils Backbone we use the WoW voice chat. Please make sure you are familiar with it. A microphone is not required but you do need to listen to tactics and hilarious banter. Yep, i'm familiar with it - It's fine

Highest boss killed in SSC: Leotherass

Highest boss killed in TK: Al'ar

Highest boss killed in MH: Anetheron

Highest boss killed in BT: Naj'entus

Make sure to give us an armory link:

Previous guild(s): Da Kor, it broke down as off slack. Alas it's back together now but i'm searching for a new and social guild. I'd love to add to the friendly communal within the devils backbone.

Reasons why you would like to join: It'd just be great to be part off a trustworthy and helpful guild.

Were all of the above characters levelled by you from the start?:

Yes, from level 1.

Thanks for reading my app.


Foxdie - 2/48/11 Fire mage.

PostPosted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 9:23 pm
by Mayen (imported)
Thank you for your application. We are, however, not in need of mages at this time, and therefore we are not in a position to have you join our ranks.

Good luck with finding a new guild, though.