Uytrev - Application mage

Think you've got what it takes to join The Devils Backbone? Post your details in here and we'll get back to you

Moderators: Drexx, Løyning

Uytrev - Application mage

Postby Uytrev15 (imported) on Wed Aug 13, 2008 12:38 am

Name: Uytrev


Spec: Arcane/Fire (42/19/0)

Professions: Taloring/Engieenering, both I am leveling up as soon as I can afford to.

Ive Raided Karazhan, Gruuls Lair, Magtheridon Lair, Zul Aman, Tempest Keep (2/4)

My Armory link is:

My gear isn't fully enchanted but I am working on it.

I have left my previous guild because I left the people in raids wasn't dedicated enough to progress 25man raids. I would like to raid with The Devil's Backbone for fun in raids, as well as I feel you have this motivation to keep progressing.

I would able to raid all of your raiding days, for the whole time they are on.

I hope my application was enough, if there is anything else you would like to ask, message me in game or leave a message on these forums and i'll get back to you asap.

Uytrev15 (imported)

Uytrev - Application mage

Postby Bramwyn (imported) on Wed Aug 13, 2008 2:42 am

you work mine?

sorry about that =/

the GL or magey type class leader will no doubt contact you shortlyish for a chat


Ace:- "what do we do?"

Rico:- "KILL EM, KILL EM ALL!!!"

(bwner mentality)
Bramwyn (imported)

Uytrev - Application mage

Postby Dris (imported) on Wed Aug 13, 2008 1:42 pm

hey ut, thanks for the app but we're currently trialling our last remaining mage spot and at this time we don't have a vacancy for another. if this changes we may be in touch.




Dris (imported)

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