Carino-Shadow Priest

Think you've got what it takes to join The Devils Backbone? Post your details in here and we'll get back to you

Moderators: Drexx, Løyning

Carino-Shadow Priest

Postby Carino on Fri Apr 12, 2013 9:24 pm

Your age:
Your nationality:
Your gender:
Can you use Vent and do you have a microphone:
Yes ofcourse
How long have you been playing WOW:
Since the end of TBC
Will you be able to attend the raids:
Monday 20.15-23.00: yes
Tuesday 20.15-23.00: yes
Thursday 20.15-23.00: yes


Character name:
Character class:
Character ilevel:
How long have you been level 90:
almost 16 days
Character spec (please explain why you chose this spec):
I enjoy being healer (discipline) during PvP yet Shadow is unique in my eyes, some of the classes or specs are making the player get bored of their character after a while doing same thing everytime just like I felt same when I had lvl 85 mage during Cata. But Shadow Priest isn't like that I do enjoy playing it. Not to mention it's powerful and essential in a raid roster.
Which glyphs are you using, and why:
Glyph of Dark Binding: Even major glyphs aren't too useful now as much as Cata glyphs so these are just minor effects in my very honest opinion. This glyph is pretty useful one though, during fights we can contribute to raid by putting our HoTs on us or someone and pulling someone to us (to the right spot) without canceling our shadow form, save our time.
Glyph of Dispel Magic: Not everyone is eager to or is good at dispelling. Dpsers generally would like to focus on their dps, who wouldn't? So do I. Yet I'm good at dispelling and I don't mind so why not my single dispel wouldn't hit additional and somewhat contribute to my dps!
Glyph of Mass Dispel: We Shadow Priests oughta mass dispel >.< time saver!

What do you think is important for your character to focus on:
For every character not only priest, players should be able to be using their every ability in right time than just dpsing or healing. A healer should interrupt as well or a tank should dispel and a dps should use their defensive ability or healing if it's needed. In that case Hymn of Hope shall be used by us for our healers, I don't see the point neglecting it. Yet ofcourse focusing on my dps by trying to apply my rotation as good as I can,observing the fight and obeying tactics for the fight is my main focus generally.
On-a-boss rotation:
Using Shadowfiend and Power Infusion first and then Shadow Word: Pain+Vampric Touch+Mind Blast > Halo afterwards keep using Mind Flay without clipping it but If I need to refresh my dots just before they expire I have to clip Mind Flay and renew my dots and/or using Mind Blast if it's up. When Shadow Orbs stack to 3, I first have a look at my dots if they are not going to expire so soon I use Devauring Plague and Mind Flay right after that since I'm specced to Solace and Insanity. According to my haste situation from trinket procs or heroism I arrange using Mind Flay until Insanity ends regardless of other cooldowns or dots. However let's say my Shadow Orbs are x3 and my dots are about to expire in 3-4 sec then I rather renew them before the changeover for Mind Flay (Insanity) even though I wouldn't actually renew them just before their expiration. I'm somehow adjusted to use Vampric Touch first than Shadow Word: Pain at the begining of the fights perhaps I do need to change this habit. When boss or a mob is below %20 health and let's assume both Mind Flay (Instanity) and Shdow Word: Death is ready I'd rather go for SW:D first then MF(Insanity). But if mob/boss' hp drops below %20 health while I'm using MF (Insanity) I'd rather not to clip it just to use SW: D, not sure If I'm doing exactly the right thing for that to be very honest.
AoE; if more than 5 mobs I use Mind Sear if not then I multi-dot all and then use Mind Sear. Nevertheless I'm not keen on spamming Mind Sear most of the times when there are even more than 5 mobs I often go for multi-dotting all and doing my single target rotation unless there are more than 8 mobs or something :> Ninja for Shadow Word: Death! = my glowing orbs!
In addition, using my defensive abilities (shield,dispersion) or temporary CCs (self fear, pet fear) is important for me if it would contribute to that particular fight.

Do you have an offspec, and do you have gear for it:
I also love PvP so my offspec is Disc, to be honest most of my offspec gear is formed of my shadow spec gear. Unfortunately I have neither spirit trinket nor a more than single tier for healing spec yet.

Character tradeskill professions and levels:
Tailoring: 600
Enchanting: 600

Armory: ... o/advanced

What sets you aside from other applicants:
Even though I've been playing WoW since the end of TBC; There were time I quit wow for long and sometimes for a short while yet I can honesly say that I become rather skilled and experienced player during Cataclysm. I consider myself as an assertive player because I do trust myself. I'm always open learning new stuff and I do know even in real or within pixels a person/player has never completed improving himself/herself. Therefore there may be much I could improve myself more yet I'm an advanced player related to the game knowledge and the way I play my with my characters. I always have a look at different sources for anything about game to improve myself or to have more knowledge. I'm eager to help people around me and I'd usually have an idea about something that could be for instance a fight where people stuck and can't progress at all.

Previous guild(s) and Reason(s) why you left previous guild(s):
I was a semi-core raider in Unwise Elders in Aerie Peak as Horde almost for the whole Cataclysm. Before that I wasn't that much improved player nor I was interested in raiding so. At around the end of Cata I quit game, WoW wasn't any entertaining to me anymore, it just became totally boring. I went ahead to play Rift till November in 2012. There were things I wasn't able to stand just like warriors; they were just not any comparable with other classes and were very but very unbalanced since they were too overpowered. I've been raider there as well even though WoW and Rift have similarities between they are different trust me, anyway I enjoyed my "Rift term" :) I swore during Cata that I will never play with pandas! Yet then I came back to WoW so I'm here since around 5 months during MoP. Me and my bf left Unwise Elders @ Aerie Peak and so we both faction and server changed because we didn't have any intention to be raider that times and Aerie Peak's especially Horde side is very low populated therefore we wanted to be part of a more live server. I wasn't any interested in raiding I was just a casual player until a month. Just doing PvP and other stuff BUT proper PVE made us feel awkward. We wanted to raid back again. Since there were not much options in Turalyon (I've been in Pure before during Cata when I transferred here for a short while, I just disliked the way they are, which I really don't even want to talk about their personalities) we wanted to give a start with Seven. Don't think I did these some of the heroic kills with them they are just progressed via pugs :> The night we left their guild; we were that pissed seeing even though they are kind people and nice to have around, they are not capable to raid properly. For instance; after every wipe they are just waiting like forever to get ready for the next attempt, doing very silly mistakes causing us to waste whole raid nights for nothing since more than half night is wipe-fest even though they got that boss down before, the way they lead the raid and the way they perceive things and then false decisions made us really "I wanna get the hell out of here."

Reasons why you would like to join:
I heard you guys are decent raiders with nice attitudes that's all I'd like to have from a guild besides progression.
Were all of the above characters levelled by you from the start?:
For sure.

Any alts you would like to join with:
My precious enhancement shammy is my other main she's no way my alt yet you were in need of a shadow priest than an enhancement shaman as Løyning said to me so I'm only applying for Carino.
My Shaman:
My actual alt Blood DK:
and I'd also like to join with my lvl 45 Monk alt.

Are there any people in the guild that you know:
Not that I know of

I'd only like to join The Devils Backbone only if both me and my bf(Raphaél) join.
In case you'd like to see my UI:
(pop them on new tabs 8-) )
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Location: Turkey

Re: Carino-Shadow Priest

Postby Løyning on Fri Apr 12, 2013 10:34 pm

Thanks a lot for taking the time to write this fine application, and for the chat we had earlier.
We'll talk it over and be in touch. :)
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Re: Carino-Shadow Priest

Postby iggy on Fri Apr 12, 2013 11:08 pm

I make stupid mistakes all the time. Will that be a problem with you? Mel'Jarak? Once I activated 10 wind bombs in a row. :/

However, I try. I really do.

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Re: Carino-Shadow Priest

Postby Dris on Sat Apr 13, 2013 10:53 am

stupid mistakes, yes, but done really well ;)

'tis a fine app indeed, thanks carino. if we take you, don't worry, we don't split couples up! the bf would automatically get signed up, too 8)

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Re: Carino-Shadow Priest

Postby Carino on Sat Apr 13, 2013 5:21 pm

Thank you :)
By the way that screenshot with Oondasta is pre-nerf of it!
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Re: Carino-Shadow Priest

Postby Løyning on Sat Apr 13, 2013 6:44 pm

Hey again, having talked it over we've decided to offer you and your significant other a trial. We'll see you in-game soon. :)
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