Raphaél - Frost DK

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Raphaél - Frost DK

Postby Luqo on Fri Apr 12, 2013 9:20 pm

Your age: 24
Your nationality: Turkish
Your gender: Male

Can you use Vent and do you have a microphone:

Yes I have Vent and Mic.

How long have you been playing WOW:

It can be misunderstood from my playing time that I'm not much experienced but actually I had another WoW account during WoTLK and till begining of Cataclysm yet after that I quit game for a long time and lost my whole account info, wasn't even able to remember the made up surname or name I wrote there so I wasn't able to get my account back. Thereby, I created this (my current) account in November when I switched back to Wow. Still there are big gaps indeed yet I've done my best to improve myself in order to become more experienced as far as I could pertinent to game knowledge and the characters I play since around 5 months. I'm skilled and experienced player now but like everyone knows there is always a one step forward so just like everyone I have things to learn and improve more and more.

Will you be able to attend the raids:

Monday 20.15-23.00: Yes.
Tuesday 20.15-23.00: Yes.
Thursday 20.15-23.00: Yes.


Character name: Raphaél

Character class: Deathknight

Character ilevel: 503 (equipped 502)

How long have you been level 90:

17 days

Character spec (please explain why you chose this spec):

Because I do enjoy playing as Frost a lot, via the way frost dps is performed. It requires from the player to be very swift and apply most of the things with a perfect timing and a good management for the runes which render a risky position for frost DK yet I do like it since I'm all good taking risks :)

Which glyphs are you using, and why:

1.Glyph of Death Grip: It increases range of Death Grip which is viable for the extra interrupt on mobs.
2. Glyph of Dark Similacrum: It's one of my favorites since it steals the casted spell on target :)
3.Glyph of Icy Touch: It's very useful to dispel magic effect from the enemy target .

1.Glyph of Path of Frost: It's reduces the damage I'll take when I fall or jump from a great distance. I love it!
2.Glyph of Resillient Grip: When Death Grip fails because my target would be immune to that, it's cd is reset.
3.Glyph of Army of the Death: This is a must for every raider DK which prevents the army from taunting.

What do you think is important for your character to focus on:

My rotation and priorities are the most important during a fight;

So let's assume I'm on a boss fight:

First of all I pop Army of Dead>Pillar of Frost>Raise Dead and use Death&Decay then Howling Blast + Plague Strike for the debuffs called Physical Vulnerability, Frost Fever, Frost Vulnerability and Blood Plague which are a must. Then I use Empower Rune Weapon. I always keep an eye on my diseases. Then by using my Frost Strike I render the stacks on Blood Tap and as soon as Killing Machine procs I generally spend it with Frost Strike since I'm dual wielding 1 hand. Meanwhile, In order not to face with rune problem I use Blood Tap. I do not use Howling Blast before Freezing Fog procs and I renew my diseases only when they are about to expire. If I'm really having problem with my runes then I use Plague Leech (from my talent) I use Outbreak to place my diseases on the target back asap. I use Obliterate when there is nothing left to attack with due to my runes. When the target is below %35 health I always use Soul Reaper on its every cd.

Aoe rotation:
Death&Decay + Pillar of Frost + Raise Dead then I use Outbreak to place my diseases fast enough and spread them with Pestilence. I select my main target during AoE fight and contunie with my single target rotation but using Howling Blast heavily. I use Plague Leech when I need rune. Putting Soul Reaper on my main target, renewing diseases when they are about to expire with Plague Strike and spreading them again and just keep an eye on the cooldowns of everything I used above.

Do you have an offspec, and do you have gear for it:

Yes I have offspec , it's Blood and ilvl 465.

Character tradeskill professions and levels:

Leatherworking 600 , Skinning 615

http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/t ... l/advanced

What sets you aside from other applicants:

I'm a self-confident person for most of the things in real and in-game which includes my honesty and ambition. I believe there is nothing called impossible plus I dislike losing therefore I generaly do anything to be succesful and to earn the thing I desire till I get it, I barely give up. Which is not found so common among others I guess :)

Previous guild(s) and Reason(s) why you left previous guild(s):

I've been raider in Rift for a long while then me and my gf decided to go back to WoW. For a long while we played like casual players. At first we joined Seven just to maintain ourselves in a better guild but then we thought it's time for us get back to raiding. But their raid progressions not to mention the way they play the game/their characters and the way the raid's been leaded were just not acceptable for us at some point. The night we left, we wiped more than 10 times at Mel'Jarak with the most stupid excuses, mistakes and by insisting not to obey the tactics; I became fully aware that I will never be able to improve here so we left the guild.

Reasons why you would like to join:

Since I believe I'm an actual player onward I'd like to be a part of a good team which raids properly. I believe I can make it true with you.

Were all of the above characters levelled by you from the start?:

Yes ofcourse.

Any alts you would like to join with:

I consider both my monk and dk as my main characters but since you need a dk on your raiding roster I'm applying with Raphaél.


I also have 2 alts which are below 90 lvl and indeed I'd like to join with them as well.

Are there any people in the guild that you know:


NOTE: Me and my gf (Carino) are joining as a couple so we'd join only if both of us are accepted.
Since my English isn't that good my gf helped me out to write this app, FYI.

If you would like to see my UI, check this out:
( Open them on a new tab :mrgreen: )

Last edited by Luqo on Sat Apr 13, 2013 1:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 2
Joined: Fri Apr 12, 2013 6:55 pm
Location: Turkey

Re: Raphaél - Frost DK

Postby Løyning on Fri Apr 12, 2013 10:30 pm

Thanks a lot for taking the time to write such a detailed application, we'll have a chat and be in touch. :)
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Re: Raphaél - Frost DK

Postby Løyning on Sat Apr 13, 2013 6:45 pm

Hey again, having talked it over we've decided to offer you and your significant other a trial. We'll see you in-game soon. :)
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