Ximao - Mistweaver Monk

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Ximao - Mistweaver Monk

Postby Ximao on Tue Mar 19, 2013 2:12 pm


Your age: *cough*42*cough*

Your nationality: Welsh

Your gender: Female

Can you use Vent and do you have a microphone (you don't need to speak to join but we do need you to listen):
Yes and yes, but I prefer to listen to the madness - I'm a wee bit shy ;)

How long have you been playing WOW:
Since Vanilla - when AVs were hours long; ZG was a major raid and my goal was longing for a pair of privet hedges on my shoulders (I was a resto Druid at the time). Circa... uhm.. 2004/05 ish?

Will you be able to attend the raids (answer yes, no or maybe):
Monday 20.15-23.00: yes
Tuesday 20.15-23.00: yes
Thursday 20.15-23.00: yes

All dependant on shifts ofc, but very rare that I get one that would hinder raiding


Character name: Ximao

Character class: Monk - Mistweaver

Character ilevel: atm - only 453

How long have you been level 85 (use /played in-game): 90: 1 hour 42 min

Character spec (please explain why you chose this spec): Mistweaver - I have played tank, healer and dps throughout WoW, the most I have played is dps on my hunter, Kanati and I am desperately ready for a change. I chose healing as it is something I greatly enjoy and Mistweaver offered me the chance at something a little more than simply standing at the back playing whack-a-mole. I like the idea of dpsing now and then whilst healing at the same time and the challenges that come with it. So far in dungeons I have managed this style without complaint - so I guess I am on the right track with it somewher ;)

Which glyphs are you using, and why:
Surging Mist - no longer requires a target and will smart heal the lowest health. Saves me having to madly choose someone whilst maintaining focus on the group as a whole.
Mana Tea - no longer channelled. Means I can slurp on the go whilst chasing manic tanks and kamikaze dps.
Renewing Mists - Gives a wider spread for the mists

What do you think is important for your character to focus on:
Balance of mana and chi - there are a lot of mana burning moves, but there is also the mana tea stacks that can be obtained, getting the balance between all of this is important I think - no mana, no heals, no tea, no mana, no chi, no eminence heals etc etc.
To be aware of the fight mechanics - pretty much like any healer - making sure that you have your cds ready if there is heavy spike damage coming in and whether it is single target or group heals that is needed.
Keeping up Mists on everyone is important also, so they can benefit from the Thunder Focus Tea and Uplift combo, which doubles the heals and renews the Mists on them.
Within the 'knowing the fight' scenario there is the melee awareness needed as well. It is important to be aware of any nasties, adds, gloop on the floor etc which can cause me damage as well as those around me. So within that I also need to ensure that my debuffs are up on the target: Tiger Power - ignores 30% of armor, so more dps = more heals; Serpent's Zeal - 25% of auto-attack dmg added heals and the same from the statue when out.
Placement of the Serpent Statue - it doesnt aggro, but if not placed right it wont heal with me (eg too far away etc)

Do you have an offspec, and do you have gear for it: Atm I have a Brewmaster offspec (tank) and that was because I enjoyed the early levelling as a tank, until I found my healing zone. I can easily change that to Windwalker tho and I am just starting to get some Agi kit together for the offspec.

Character tradeskill professions and levels:
Inscription - 600 - mainly for Shoulder enchant
Leatherworking - struggling at 233 atm - I've not got a skinner on Alli, so need to buy the leathers and its a pain. I will level up to 600 asap tho - mainly for the fur lining and leg armor.

Make sure to give us an armory link using the armory button above inserting your character name between the tags (please log off in your PvE gear): Ximao - still tweaking the reforges etc atm :)

What sets you aside from other applicants:
Oh gosh I hate this kind of question ;) Uhm... I'd have to embrace my hippy side and say nothing does, we're all the best we can be. However since this is an appn, I'll pop my 'interview' head on and say I can only offer that I am a good listener, I take instruction well, I am not a loot whore; have a good sense of humour and fun; am approachable and enjoy helping out if I can. I take my role seriously doing the best I can and reading up as much as I can on what is required. To me I sound just like any other player/raider... I guess you can decide if it is good enough :)

Previous guild(s):
Alliance: Your good selves, Wasted, Nerds in Denial (pre-split) with Kanati
Horde: Myth; Cold Fusion both with Kanati

Reason(s) why you left previous guild(s):
I originally joined the Horde to be with some friends and my bf, Jiera. Cold Fusion was my last Guild there and after some successful raiding with them, I needed to take a break altogether from Kanati. Jay came back over to Alliance as you know and I followed hoping to continue with our friends here. My Horde friends themselves stopped playing, and there was no call for a Mistweaver Monk in Cold Fusion - they had their healers sorted.

Reasons why you would like to join:
I have many happy memories here with you. You are the first name that we thought of when thinking of what Guild to return to on Alliance. You're a strong Guild and have been going for a fair few years - I recall this name over my time in WoW and that gives a good sense of security. Loyning and Dris have always been happy to wave or acknowledge me on Horde also and I am sure you can appreciate that MMOs can seem a little hostile on times, attitudes like that go a long way. You have also been very good to my sister Lloergan, when she was playing and I would simply like to be part of that atmosphere again, please.

Were all of the above characters levelled by you from the start?:
they were indeedy

Any alts you would like to join with:
I only have an old shammy hardly play anymore, Tozjan. The rest of my guys are sadly on Horde still, but should I ever get the finances to trf the more handy ones over, then yes please if poss at the time, it would be nice to have them in here also.

Are there any people in the guild that you know:
I remember a lot of you :) Loyning and Dris being the main contacts I think, but Cheeky, Lara, Drexx and many others have always been good to know and welcoming also.

I just want to say that altho you have kindly accepted me back into the guild from 85 - 90, that I have completed this appn for when I am suitable to raid with you - I just wanted you to be aware of my intentions and to be fair and follow the requirements of a proper appn. I understand my character has a way to go yet, but I am working on catching you up gear-wise etc. However naturally, if a more suitable appn comes along, I will understand :)

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Re: Ximao - Mistweaver Monk

Postby Løyning on Tue Mar 19, 2013 2:27 pm

Mother of applications... We'll be in touch asap! Thanks for taking the time to write this fine app. :)
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