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Kirrie - Shadow priest Application

PostPosted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 2:08 pm
by Kirrie

Your age: 28, turning 29 soon (Birthday is on 22 feb, so don't forget to buy me presents when I get in! I'll pick something from AH I really want!)



Your nationality: Dutch.

Your gender: XY.

Can you use Vent and do you have a microphone (you don't need to speak to join but we do need you to listen): I use vent, and I have a microphone. Plus I have sexy voice, so not afraid to use it!

How long have you been playing WOW: Since Vanilla! Been playing some low lvl chars to start out, untill I decided to made Kirrie, just before TBC came out. Been love on first sight and been a dedicated priest ever since!

Will you be able to attend the raids (answer yes, no or maybe):
Monday 20.15-23.00: Yes.
Tuesday 20.15-23.00: Yes.
Thursday 20.15-23.00: Yes.


Character name: Kirrie (Or Currie (like English bullies like to call me) or Klierrie (like Dutch/Belgian bullies like to call me).

Character class: Wanna be warlock a.k.a. shadow priest.

Character ilevel: 376, spamming HC's atm to have at least a 378 piece in each slot. Exception be my DMF: Volcano trinket. <3

How long have you been level 85 (use /played in-game): 81 days.

Character spec (please explain why you chose this spec): Shadow.

Been Holy to help out my guild in TBC. Was a pretty decent healer, also officer/class leader in the nr 1 Alliance guild of my previous server, Spinebreaker. In WOTLK my guild (Equilibrity) switched to this server, mainly because Alliance on Spine is close to non-existant. I got tired of healing, decided to choose for myself and went Shadow.

I like shadow, because I like priest and I'm very competitive by nature. I like to put out a good performance and try to play my char at the fullest. And with all due respect for our healers (<3), you get a good impression how someone is performing by looking at the DPS meter. Don't get me wrong, I'm a team player pur sang and I always try to do what's best for the guild. But your main job as DPS is getting a lot of damage off, since it gets a lot of pressure of healers and therefore tank.

Which glyphs are you using, and why: Not talking about major and minor glyphs, since they really mean little to nothing in a raid environment and function as nice 'gadget' thingies. I do like the new Glyph of Shadow introduced in 4.3., allowing you to fade your shadowform a bit, so others have a better look at your excellent choice of fashion. And of course levitating without feathers could be interesting in some encounters.

Prime glyphs for me are straight forward damage increasing ones. They make my Shadow Word: Pain stronger (more dps), resets your SW:D every 6 seconds below 25% health of mob (more dps, could be very nice combined with our 4 set bonus of the new tier set <3) and makes your MF stronger (you guess it: more dps). Alternative would be Glyph of Dispersion, which reduces the CD of your dispersion by 45 secs. This could be a good glyph for encounters, where survivability is more important then good DPS.

Every shadow priest using another Prime Glyph in a raid environment is an idiot. :twisted:

What do you think is important for your character to focus on: Depends a lot on what kind of gear you have now.

Two things are certain: Intellect is the most important thing, at least in this expansion. And spirit a.k.a. hit is utterly useless, when we reached our hit cap (17%).

Secundary stats are dependant on what kind of gear you have now and if you get certain buffs (DI and FM). I use a program named Simcraft to determine what stats are important for me. What this program does is simulate a certain amount (determined by you) of boss fights to see what your maximum dps is and (more importantly) what stats are important for me.

Screenshot of the results atm:



My apologies for poor quality, but pretty sweet isn't it? As you can see for me at this moment it's int > sp > haste > crit > mastery > spirit > hit. Int = Spellpower, plus a bit of crit, so pretty obviously it's above spellpower. Our DoTs scale well with haste, since the interval between our ticks decrease. At so called haste plateaus you gain an extra tick of for example Vampiric Touch. This makes sure your VT is longer on the mob, giving you more time to use different spells. Haste also allows that your cast time decreases and your GCD gets lower (minimum would be 1 sec). After that crit seems to be most important for me. I guess that's because I don't have a lot of crit on my gear right now and there needs to be some kind of balance between our three secundary stats. I don't think I have to explain crit: everyone knows what that does. Mastery is a bit more tricky, since mastery for shadow priests is only useful when we generate Shadow Orbs. When we get an orb and we cast a Mind Blast during that orb it will: 1) do more damage and 2) you get a buff called Empowered Shadows, which makes our DoTs stronger. This also included Mind Flay and Mind Sear. The more mastery you have, the stronger our ES buff, the stronger your DoTs will be. <3

Do you have an offspec, and do you have gear for it: Disc off-spec. I do have gear, but solely for PVP-purposes. As you might notice on my armory, I like to PVP.

Character tradeskill professions and levels: Tailoring (421) and Engineering (425). I have Tailoring for the cloak enchant, which gives a random int. proc. Engineering gives an on-use int. boost on gloves ánd can be combined with a normal enchant. These are the best professions for PVE casters, plus because they are procs, you can play around a bit with refreshing DoTs. For example: I have 1 second left on my glove proc and at that moment I refresh my Vampiric Touch. Although the proc ends: my Vampiric Touch will have the intellect bonus, because the game calculates how strong that DoT is during the time you cast it.

Make sure to give us an armory link using the armory button above inserting your character name between the tags (please log off in your PvE gear): Kirrie. There you go.

What sets you aside from other applicants: Pfoe. I think I can say that I'm pretty experienced. Playing this char around 5 years now, lots of time on end game raiding content. Besides that I'm extremely dedicated and competitive. I'll go far to get that little bit more performance. Examples would be reading a lot of theory crafting, spamming hc's over and over again getting a piece I really want, racechanging my char to get full benefits of racials and practising on training dummies to get my rotation learned by heart. I think it's safe to say that when it comes to things like this I'm one of the most dedicated players on the server. Right now I'm at a stage that I'm cutting down the time I put into this game, focussing more on things outside the game. I think this is a healthy development, seeing the game more as a game instead of a way of life.

Previous guild(s): Besides some casual guilds I was in three serious raiding guilds: Equilibrity, Chapter II and Pure.

Reason(s) why you left previous guild(s):

Equilibrity: Had an argument with someone in the guild, concerning a raid invite. I told her I needed to reset my router and I'll be back within a few minutes. During that time she invited someone outside of the guild, a personal friend of her. I got mad and told her in a strict way I didn't like the way the situation got handled, since it was a guild run. Problem was she was the girlfriend of one of the officers, she complained to her BF, he complained to the council and I got kicked. Truth be told I didn't feel right in the guild anymore. There was a major gap between players: some of them really fanatic, caring purely about progress, some who wanted to raid on a more casual level. Because of this there were a lot of argument and talking behind each others back going on. For me it's important to have at least some kind of healthy social situation going on in guild.

Chapter II: Got an invite of Soliel, GM of the guild and one of the priests I respect most on the server. We talked a lot about the priest class and learned a lot from each other. Chapter II was a guild where raiding was the most important thing. Outside of raids there was very little social interaction on guild chat. I didn't mind that one bit at that stage, since we could focus purely on raiding, without having drama. We were a little bit behind topguilds like TLW, Pure and Vision, but we had a pretty decent progress with nice raids going on. I left, because raiding times were too late for me and I really wanted to focus more on school work. Good memories of this time: always got treated with a lot of respect from everyone.

Pure: After some whispers with Ayd (GM of guild) I applied to Pure and got accepted. I needed to join as disc priest, but fortunately after some days I could focus on shadow. Think I found my place in the guild pretty soon. I had a gear gap with the rest of the guild, so was mediocre on dps in the beginning. After that gap was closed performance went a lot better and I was usually top 3 DPS on boss fights. At least: when my internet connection was holding :P . For me that was prove I really learned a lot about shadow. Problem was the hardcore mentality going on. I felt raiding became more of a obligation instead of something I'd do for fun. That's why I left and took a 2,5 months break. After my break I applied to Pure again, but got rejected for reasons unknown to me. Ah well, for me more reason to find a guild that does appreciate my tremendous shadow priest skills! /rawr :twisted:

Reasons why you would like to join: Well, I'm looking for a guild that combines a nice, somewhat casual attitude and still have some decent progress going on in a pve environment. For me joining one of the many, many 10 man guilds with 6/7 Firelands progression on this server was not an option. I dislike 10 men raiding, combined with a good progression, because I feel they steamroll content with their best, most geared ten players and the rest of their players are treated more as substitutes. Therefore I prefer 25 men raiding, because 1) it's harder, so more rewarding and 2) you can enjoy a boss kill more as a guild. Don't get me wrong: I'm not opposed towards 10 men raiding, but I prefer to raid in a guild then which isn't that far progressed in raids, because then it's easier to give more people a chance.

I spammed trade LF a guild and wrote something on official forums. I talked to some people, but after some talks with Loyning I think The Devil's Backbone would be the guild that fits me most. That's because of the 25 men raiding, the fact that you have some Dutchies amongst you, the stability of the guild (I've seen you been here at least since TBC) and the fact I played with some of you in the past.

Were all of the above characters levelled by you from the start?: Yes.

Any alts you would like to join with: Not really. I do have my herb/alch. char, but I have that char purely for making pots and flasks.

Are there any people in the guild that you know: Knowing is a big word, but I played with Loyning and Toad in the past, both I know to be excellent players. Plus I've had some talks with Nasjip and Danih.

Re: Kirrie - Shadow priest Application

PostPosted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 2:29 pm
by Løyning
Arrite, thanks a lot to you Kirrie, for taking the time to write us such a detailed and yet relevant application!
We'll have a talk amongst ourselves, and be in touch ASAP.


Re: Kirrie - Shadow priest Application

PostPosted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 3:35 pm
by Løyning
Grabbed for trial. :)

Re: Kirrie - Shadow priest Application

PostPosted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 6:59 pm
by Dris
kirrie, that has to be one of, if not the best, app to TDB i've ever read. thanks for taking the time to do that 8)


Re: Kirrie - Shadow priest Application

PostPosted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 9:28 pm
by ripples
idd tis a decent app.

Re: Kirrie - Shadow priest Application

PostPosted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 5:07 pm
by Toad

Re: Kirrie - Shadow priest Application

PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 7:38 pm
by Yuusha
Slow reply from me as usual:
But that is one awesome aplication ;)
Glad to see you've joined the ranks already!
