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Allù - Elemental shaman application

PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 12:17 am
by Allu
Your age:
Your nationality:
Your gender:
Can you use Vent and do you have a microphone (you don't need to speak to join but we do need you to listen):
Yes i can both listen and speak on ventrilo
How long have you been playing WOW:
I've been playing wow since the 2nd Beta, in 2004-ish
Will you be able to attend the raids (answer yes, no or maybe):
Monday 20.15-23.00:
Tuesday 20.15-23.00:
Thursday 20.15-23.00:

Most likely I'll be able to raid with you as a close to 100% attendee.

Character name:

Character class:
Character ilevel:
For the respective specc im applying as, its 368
How long have you been level 85 (use /played in-game):
9 days as level 85 with this character
Character spec (please explain why you chose this spec):
1. It has the highest uptime dps among the two dps speccs for the class
2. It can provide a high burst without losing hard cds
3. can provide a good amount of AoE (not considering the changes in 4.3), on both a short notice and for a longer period of time without draining too much on the mana pool.
Which glyphs are you using, and why:
Lava burst = 10% more base dmg
Flame shock = 50% longer duration = more play room for ligthning bolt fillers
lightning bolt = 4% more base dmg
You may say that the unleashed lightning is more useful, or has a greater dps up time than the other glyph, but if accepted as elemental, I will have my offspecc (if allowed) to be more of a utility/movement friendly specc.
What do you think is important for your character to focus on:
Right now I'd have to focus on my elemental gear, since I'm already mixing some of the set items, and it puts on a few restrictions considering the reforging.
Do you have an offspec, and do you have gear for it:
Yes, restoration, 373 ilvl
Character tradeskill professions and levels:
As this have been an long lost main, since TBC times, I haven't really been bothered to level the last profession up.
Make sure to give us an armory link using the armory button above inserting your character name between the tags (please log off in your PvE gear): ... 9/advanced (might be a broken link due to character name)
What sets you aside from other applicants:
Well, that would depend on what kind of other applicants that has been applying?
Previous guild(s):
Vanila wow: (On Burning Blade) Nordlys, Serenity, norwegian legeion, Gief Epix, Ormin Lange. (Executus) Ars Magna Belli.
TBC: (Executus) Ars Magna Belli
Wotlk: (Executus) Ars Magna Belli, Magna Facta, Phoenix, Nex Noctis.
Cata: ( Executus) Phoenix, (Bloodhoof) DARK Brotherhood (Ravencrest) Unforgiven (Turalyon) Born of Sins
Reason(s) why you left previous guild(s):
The main reason for all the guild changes is, guild died or was about to die due to inactive raiding members. And if you'd like more specific information please ask.
Reasons why you would like to join:
Main reason, 25man raiding, just love it.
Were all of the above characters levelled by you from the start?:
ehm, yes?
Any alts you would like to join with:
No, not really, well i have one alt, which is Annivexus. But its no rush with alts for me.
Are there any people in the guild that you know:
Not really, been on this server for a couple of weeks now.

Re: Allù - Elemental shaman application

PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 3:18 am
by Psychopathz
That's alot of transfers... :P

GL on the app

Re: Allù - Elemental shaman application

PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 8:25 pm
by Løyning
Thanks for the app and the chats, Allù! We'll have a chat amongst ourselves and get back to you either here or in-game ASAP. :)

EDIT: Fixed your armory link, it seemed to be malfunctioning.

Re: Allù - Elemental shaman application

PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 1:34 am
by Løyning
Grabbed for trial. :)