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Psychopathz - MM Hunter

PostPosted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 4:15 pm
by Psychopathz

Your age: 19 (20 in a week:D)

Your nationality: Belgian

Your gender: Male

Can you use Vent and do you have a microphone (you don't need to speak to join but we do need you to listen):
Do have vent and a working headset.
How long have you been playing WOW:
Been playing since the release of TBC
Will you be able to attend the raids (answer yes, no or maybe):
Monday 20.15-23.00: Yes
Tuesday 20.15-23.00: Yes
Thursday 20.15-23.00: Yes


Character name: Psychopathz

Character class: Hunter

Character ilevel: 369

How long have you been level 85 (use /played in-game): 30 days

Character spec (please explain why you chose this spec): MM specced. MM is the best dps spec atm. It has steady dps in every fight due to aimed shot procs and the steady chimera shot dmg.

Which glyphs are you using, and why:
- Glyph of Steady shot: Steady shot gives us as MM our focus regen which makes us able to fire Chimera when off cd ( and arcane in between) . This means that steady shot is a shot we use the most, so the 10% dmg increase is quite nice.
- Glyph of Serpent Sting: Serpent sting is our only dot which is a steady and extra giving dmg bonus. Also our Serpent Sting refreshes every time Chimera shot is fired, which gives us also a focus gain ( no need to cast ss more than once). The 6% crit the serpent sting gives us is really nice since it ticks every ~4 sec.
- Glyph of Kill Shot: When kill shot is used and the target doesn't die you can fire another Kill Shot instantly. The funny thing is you can see your dps FLY up when you fire double Kill Shots. It has huge dmg and can often be used even 4times (sometimes8 or more ) in boss fights.

What do you think is important for your character to focus on:
The most important for my char is to know all the talents I got and knowing what the best stats are for that sped (talent points). Also a must in my opinion is to stick to my rotation so good as possible. In some boss fights you get off track from your rotation, best thing to do is to pick it up asap and continue.

Do you have an offspec, and do you have gear for it: Ofspec is MM pvp spec (almost full ruthless geared) , but I think this is ment for classes with a diff role offspec:D

Character tradeskill professions and levels:Cooking max (got enough feasts atm for 3 years :P Alchemy (longer flasks, always potions for everyone:P, cauldrons) and herb (lifeblood +450 haste 20sec)

Make sure to give us an armory link using the armory button above inserting your character name between the tags (please log off in your PvE gear) ... thz/simple
What sets you aside from other applicants: Well didn't really read any other applies, only 1:D. The most common issue i see with applicants is that they don't really know what the best enchants/glyphs or best stats are for their class. I've been playing hunter since TBC, have always been lokoing at updates, been reading about hunters alot ( read the how many arcane/ steady shots between the chimera's calculation==>insane:P) . I've been raidleading and been recruiting officer back in wotlk on Kilrogg server (Unrepentant guild), so i kinda know what to expect from a raider. I also know what raidleaders and officers need to cope with so respect ffor them:D. I'm reliable, if i sign up (will be every raiding day, also some alt runs) i will show up in time, and prepared.

Previous guild(s): Core of the alliance .

Reason(s) why you left previous guild(s): I've been rolling with this guild for a while. I've been in memento vivere (transferred to this server cause it was my bro's guild). When MV stopped raiding i went to core of the alliance. It's a really nice guild tbh, with nice ppl but lately there have been some in guild issues what made them raid less. I'm some1 who's always like competing with the best hunters on the server and competing in game content. But in CoTa it was impossible ( if you don't feell good anymore in a guild, i guess it's time to move on then). Been there for 1.5 years i think.

Reasons why you would like to join: I would like to join just to get some more raiding and a nice guildenvironment. I know Tijer from the guild who's an awesome guy. He told me about TDB and i really liked everything about it. I would like to get some content down and have some fun raiding and alt heroic runs, alt raiding, some pvp, some everything, and yes that was a really long sentence I know:P

Were all of the above characters levelled by you from the start? OW did i miss the other chars?? Well the thing is, my main is my hunter but since Cota didn't really raid anymore I tried on my shaman (been 85 for like 3 weeks) and got in my first FL run 5/6, and trying on rag . ... ius/simple
This is my shammy healer ( i'm amazed how i did manage fl with that gear back in the days, but well, he's geared up now and can easily heal through fl, if needed ofc)

Any alts you would like to join with: Draeneius

Are there any people in the guild that you know:Tijer mainly. He's an awesome guy who thinks you guys are good and it's a real nice environment.
Hope you liked reading my app,
Grts Psycho

Re: Psychopathz - MM Hunter

PostPosted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 5:25 pm
by Dris
cheers for the app psycho - we'll have a good look, then ask gwath the hunter officer what all those numbers mean, and then someone will be in touch either in-game or via here!

gluck 8)


Re: Psychopathz - MM Hunter

PostPosted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 10:59 pm
by Løyning
Lo Psycho! Having talked a little about you and stuff, we've decided that we'd like to offer you a trial.
As you may know, we don't really NEED a hunter atm, as we have quite enough raiding ones already. But we are a bit low on ranged DPS in general, and we'd hate to let a good recruit slip. And you strike us as a good recruit, who knows what he's talking about.

Catch you in-game ASAP, good luck with your trial! :)

Re: Psychopathz - MM Hunter

PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 1:54 pm
by Vyps
Resto shammy weeeeee!