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Kaemara - Holy/Disc Priest {Nightmist}

PostPosted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 5:02 pm
by Nightmist
Your age: 33

Your nationality: English

Your gender: Male

Can you use Vent and do you have a microphone (you don't need to speak to join but we do need you to listen): Yes i do

How long have you been playing WOW: 6 years

Will you be able to attend the raids (answer yes, no or maybe):
Monday 20.15-23.00: yes
Tuesday 20.15-23.00: yes
Thursday 20.15-23.00: yes


Character name: Kaemara

Character class: Priest

Character ilevel: 85

How long have you been level 85 (use /played in-game): 5 days

Character spec (please explain why you chose this spec): I chose Disc becasue its a very manna efficiant healing spec to play and provides a very nice healing output and its different to any other healer class spec ive played .

Which glyphs are you using, and why: Primes are : Penance for the 2 sec cool down on penance which is used almost on cool down in my rotaion.
Prayer of healing : the additional 20 % healover 6 secs is valuable aoe heal glyph.
PWS for the extra heal it provides.

What do you think is important for your character to focus on: the main point is to activate my Rapture ( manareturn ) which keeps my mana coming in which gives me the freedom to throw out Greater heals and prayer of healing

Do you have an offspec, and do you have gear for it: my off spec is Holy but im still learning to play this spec as its totaly different play style than Disc

Character tradeskill professions and levels:None at present but will work on them

Make sure to give us an armory link using the armory button above inserting your character name between the tags (please log off in your PvE gear): ... ara/simple

What sets you aside from other applicants: im Drexyns Friend ... Probably shouldnt have mentioned that :) Im a Big Team Player and love to Learn from other People and mostly have fun doing it

Previous guild(s): Carefactor Zero

Reason(s) why you left previous guild(s):People Went there own way .. some left for Uni Etc

Reasons why you would like to join: There are a Few people in TDB i know who ive played with over the last year or so and ive heard great things from them about this guild

Were all of the above characters levelled by you from the start?: yes

Any alts you would like to join with: no

Are there any people in the guild that you know: Elunda , Drexyn

Re: Kaemara - Holy/Disc Priest {Nightmist}

PostPosted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 6:53 pm
by Løyning
Think we've already cleared this one, be on in a couple of hours to grab for trial, or could someone else promote the fella to recruit if you get a chance sooner? :)

Cheers, and good luck!


Re: Kaemara - Holy/Disc Priest {Nightmist}

PostPosted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 11:04 am
by Dris
welcome aboard kaem!

as a social member, i just wanted to explain that even if you were to fail your trial for raiding, you won't get booted out of TDB; you'd still be welcome as you currently are and ofc welcome to attend alt runs/old content raids etc - the trial is for progression content raiding

gluck anyways!
