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Madrasa - Feral Druid Guild Application

PostPosted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 4:26 pm
by Madrasa
Your age: 18

Your nationality: British

Your gender: Male

Can you use Vent and do you have a microphone (you don't need to speak to join but we do need you to listen): Yes

How long have you been playing WOW:
I started two weeks before wotlk came out.

Will you be able to attend the raids (answer yes, no or maybe):
Monday 20.15-23.00: Yes
Tuesday 20.15-23.00: Yes
Thursday 20.15-23.00: Yes


Character name: Madrasa

Character class: Druid

Character ilevel:

How long have you been level 85 (use /played in-game): 3 days

Character spec (please explain why you chose this spec): Because this is the best spec.

Which glyphs are you using, and why:

Head: Arcanum of the Ramkahen
Shoulders: Greater Inscription of Shattered Crystal
Back: Major Agility 22 agility
Chest: Peerless Stats 20 to all stats
Wrists: Agility 50 agility
Hands: Greater Mastery 65 mastery
Legs: Dragonscale Leg Armor
Feet: Major Agility 35 agility
Weapon: Mighty Agility 130 agility

Glyphs: They is not a great deal of choice for a feral dps but here they are.


Glyph of Rip (I would use this)
Glyph of Shred (I would use this)
Glyph of Tiger's Fury (I would use this)
Glyph of Berserk
Glyph of Savage Roar
Glyph of Mangle (I would only use this if I could not get behind the boss as mangle is only really used for its buff)


Glyph of Feral Charge
Glyph of Ferocious Bite
Glyph of Rebirth

What do you think is important for your character to focus on:
The remaining gear I need to collect.

Do you have an offspec, and do you have gear for it:
No and no I will start gaining gear once I have finish with feral

Character tradeskill professions and levels:
Enchanting: 480
JC: 480

Make sure to give us an armory link using the armory button above inserting your character name between the tags (please log off in your PvE gear): ... asa/simple

What sets you aside from other applicants:
Ive raided at a high level at the end of wotlk
10/12 HC 25 man.

Previous guild(s):
Total Nutters
Chapter II

Reason(s) why you left previous guild(s):
Real life problems just before cata release.

Reasons why you would like to join:
I would like to start on the Cata raid content

Were all of the above characters levelled by you from the start?:

Any alts you would like to join with:

Are there any people in the guild that you know:

Re: Madrasa - Feral Druid Guild Application

PostPosted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 4:34 pm
by Dris
hi mad, thanks for the app. strictly speaking we're not actively recruiting a melee deeps at the mo, but as a mate of drexyn's you stand a decent chance of an invite anyway, and another warm keen signee is good for me. nice chatting with you too.

i know you're not 'raid geared' at the mo, but i'd advise you to spend some cash on gems/chants asap as we're not likely to let you in as a raider with those kind of things absent.

as a mate of drexyn's you can ofc have a social spot and trial later, when you're better prepared.

anyhoo, ty again, we'll review and be in touch with here or in-game asap


Re: Madrasa - Feral Druid Guild Application

PostPosted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 4:50 pm
by Madrasa
Try not to worry as such about my current gear I have in all in hand I will be a totally different player when and if you decided to take me onto a raid


Can and will all be replaced by my first raid which Im hoping to be thursday/friday next week so until then best not to look at my gear as I wont be paying to enchant blues just to do dungeons and upgrade in a few days.

Re: Madrasa - Feral Druid Guild Application

PostPosted: Sat Jun 25, 2011 9:55 pm
by Løyning
Grabbed, about to be geared and trialed. :)

Re: Madrasa - Feral Druid Guild Application

PostPosted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 5:00 pm
by Highbred
I leveled with enchanted greens and basic gems... The idea of gemming/enchanting actually makes the blue you are wearing almost the same rating as the epic you want to replace it with. I would advise if it is a money issue to check the AH and search for example "enchant gloves" or "enchant boots" and what you find is there are always very cheap enchants (6g-10g) where people are leveling enchanting and just want to get a few gold back, it might not be the best enchant for your spec but any boost is a boost. Also you are proving to those you are doing dungeons with you are putting out all you can to help and not just hoping they will cover it.

All the best with your application and hope you find the information useful.