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Nasjip: Resto/Feral t druid.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 11:17 pm
by Nasjip
Character name: Nasjip

Character class: Druid

Character level: 80

Character spec, please explain why you chose this spec: Resto as mainspec, feral as offspec(tank). I love to heal, not only with a druid. Same for the tanking part, think it's the thing what can help a raid further. besides that i like to be flexible in raids. tank and healer when you'r missing one of the 2 roles.

Which glyphs are you using, and why:
Major glyphs:

Glyph of Swiftmend: I usually have rejuvenation on everyone at anytime, and when someones getting into trouble i can pop swiftmend without losing my rejuvenation on that person.

Glyph of Wild Growth: I think WG is known as the best spell of a druid, not? From now on i'll heal 6 raid members instead of 5. Which is one extra. More heals!

Glyph of Rejuvenation: Rejuvenation will now be affected by my haste... = More ticks = More heals.

Minor glyph of Rebirth: I think no druid likes to purchase a ton of reagents just to BR.. Rebirth is now free to use

What do you think is important for your character to focus on: Euh euh...Topping the charts!? Nono.. it's important for a resto druid to be haste capped, besides that it's important to have quite alot of sp, which is higher heals.. Spirit can be usefull as a druid for more mana regen.

Do you have an offspec, and do you have gear for it: My offspec is Feral tank, and i think my feral gear is better then the resto kit.

Character tradeskill professions and levels: Alchemy 450 - Jewelcrafting 450

How long have you been playing, and at 80 (use /played in-game): /played 94 days, 16 hours. /played 80: 60 days, 6 hours.

Raid experience
Classic: None besides leveling.
TBC: ZA,Khara,Sunwell trash/floor pre-nerf, BT(First boss)
Naxx 10 - 25: 10 man cleared + Undying. 25man: Few bosses.
Ulduar 10 - 25: Ulduar 10 completed + Algalon (Starcalled), All HM's apart of Yogg. 25man: All apart from Algalon.
To(g)c10 - To(g)c25: Both normal and hard cleared + Insanity achievement. - 25man: Cleared and 2 bosses on HC mode.
Ruby sanctum 10-25: Cleared 10 normal. Cleared 25 man normal.
ICC(HC)10-25(HC): Cleared normal. 11/12 HC 10 man. - 25man: 11/12 - HC modes: 4/12 + ICC10 Drake

Will you be able to attend the raids (answer yes, no or maybe):
Monday 20.15-23.00: Yes
Tuesday 20.15-23.00: Yes
Thursday 20.15-23.00: Yes

Make sure to give us an armory link (please log off in your PvE gear):

Also, make sure to have your gear enchanted. Under geared people may still get accepted if they take the effort to enchant their gear properly. Conversely, well geared people with no enchants will be turned down.

What sets you aside from other applicants: Well, i'm the only Nasjip on the server? ^_^.
Err, got experience in tbc and wotlk. have done all new raids there are in Wotlk, and very experienced as a resto and feral.

Previous guild(s):
Alliance Exiles:
Crit Happens
i've been in more guilds then the ones listed above, but they were al either guilds of real life contacts or leveling guilds as nasjip was just a level character before.

Reason(s) why you left previous guild(s): Omnipotent disbanded. Left as a friend at Alliance Exiles, just didn't like the guild. And equilibrity: Social part is great, the raiding part is less.
Equilibritys a fusion of Crit happens, so didn't leave crit.

Reasons why you would like to join: i'm infact looking for a good raiding guild, not too hardcore to venture further throughout icc25 hard modes. Heard alot of backbone and i know they excist for quite a time.

Were all of the above characters levelled by you from the start?: Yes

Any alts you would like to join with: Dkil, Tunisien

Are there any people in the guild that you know: know some people from in a pug and that kind of stuff. but no real contacts.

Re: Nasjip: Resto/Feral t druid.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 11:39 am
by Cheekybelle
Thank you for your app :) We'll be in touch with you.

Re: Nasjip: Resto/Feral t druid.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 6:52 pm
by Nasjip
Edited apply as i was having major problems with the text block. copy pasted it this time.

Re: Nasjip: Resto/Feral t druid.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 1:40 pm
by Thouds
After reading this thread on Friday I was a bit confused. For some reason I remembered this nick but I couldn't remember why or how. I figured it out though.

Back in the day (Oh my, I sound old.) when I was trying to get my Naxx Undying achievement I was running pugs to get it. As you can imagine, pugs are always fun and usually very unsuccessful. The reason I bring this up is this.

At some point I joined this pug where I had to tank. Then we found a second tank, this second tank is the person that is applying now. The first thing he did was make a bad impression by bringing his druid to the raid that was already saved. So after all the waiting and effort to get a full group our second tank couldn't get in. Forgetting which raids your saved to on your main is a bit stupid in my opinion. However he brought his alt, the Death Knight, and off tanked with that.

I wasn't very impressed with his performance because of the lack of aggro generation. I was usually tanking his target to just because it was in my consecration. Furthermore were there some silly pulls, this could easily be handled by overgearing the place, but still.

The raid fell apart after people dying on Thaddius (construct wing was the first wing entered) so it was a short but not so good experience.

Now, remember this was more than a year ago. Maybe he has changed, I don't know nor will I be able to test it out. I'm just here to let you guys know about my experience.

Re: Nasjip: Resto/Feral t druid.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 2:01 pm
by Nasjip
If i can be really honest, i do not remember this.
However i do got the undying achievement and title, but i didn't get this title.
i was away for a month due to school, so my friend told me he'd keep my char under control with new patches and stuff, i don't know when this happened, but i really can't remember it. i'm sorry if it was me, but again i can't remember it.