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Farfetched - Shadow Priest XRealm

PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 12:46 am
by Farfetched
Before starting the Application I would like to say hey guys! Because I raided with you guys for a while in BC when you were on SSC + TK on my Holy Dwarf Pala Griffins = ... n=Griffins , He is in his BC gear at the moment which I had while Raiding with you guys but I don't play him anymore, I only remember a couple of people, Mainly Durfink because I used to chat to him a lot, I hope I can rejoin you guys because I wish to finally come back to my first Realm! I am willing to bring any of my 80's, Shadow Priest, Demo Lock ... n=Leontios or Resto Druid ... Pandasmash , Currently my Shadow Priest is my main though.

Character name:
Character class:
Character level:
Character spec, please explain why you chose this spec:

Which glyphs are you using, and why:
When it comes to major glyphs, I have 4 and I switch between Dispersion and Mind Sear glyph depending on the encounter.
My Other 2 Glyphs are Glyph of Shadow and Glyph of Mind Flay which I always use mainly because Mind Flay increases my Mind Flays Damage by 10% and it is my main Casting Move so this is very useful. Glyph of Shadow is also very useful for increasing my Crit.

What do you think is important for your character to focus on:
It is important for me to keep up to date and focus on how I can maximise my Dps, I mainly focus on statwise increasing my Spell + Haste because I have a lot of Crit allready.

Do you have an offspec, and do you have gear for it:
I have a Discipline Offspec and my gear in Discipline isn't much worse than my Shadow gear, I've only healed Icc as Disc a few Times though but I have healed Dreamwalker as it and I'm pretty comfortable with doing it if needs be.

Character tradeskill professions and levels:
My Priest is currently leveling Mining and acquiring Mats for Jewelcrafting so I can max it and then I will max Tailoring, So in the next couple of Days I should be maxed on both, I'm sorry about them not being maxed, Didn't get round to it till now.

In The Devils Backbone we use Ventrillo. Can you use it, do you have a microphone for speaking:
Yes I use Vent a lot because when I'm on WoW I'm usually on Vent with people I play on WoW with, I have a Microphone and I will speak on Vent if needs be.

How long have you been playing, and at 80 (use /played in-game):
I have been playing for 3 to 4 Years and I have 25 days Played at 80.

Raid experience
TBC:I raided on a different Shadow Priest in BC, Because Achievments weren't out then It won't show all the raids I did apart from the ones I had quests of, but if you look at his Gear it shows which Raids they are from ... cn=CurethI did Karazhan + ZA + Grulls + Magtheridon all Cleared, I did some of TK + SSC but mostly my guild focused on BT which I did a few bosses in and MH which gave me the best Shadow Dps Cloak at the time which I have equipped. Then when Sunwell Plateua came out I quit the game. I did TK + SSC with you guys on my Holy Pala (Griffins) if you remember him ... n=Griffins , Hes in his 70 BC Gear.
WotLK: In Wotlk on my current Shadow Priest I have Icc 10 11/12 Normal Mode, 6/12 Heroic Mode, In Icc 25 I have 12/12 Normal Mode, 9/12 Heroic Mode. Also I have got PP 25 Heroic down to 1% then the Raid wiped, tried him a few times and I have got Sindy Heroic 25 down to 5%, So I'm Confident with the Tactics for those Bosses. I also Did Naxx when it was out but then I quit till Icc came out.

Will you be able to attend the raids (answer yes, no or maybe):
Monday 20.15-23.00:Yes
Tuesday 20.15-23.00:Yes
Thursday 20.15-23.00:Yes

Make sure to give us an armory link (please log off in your PvE gear): ... Farfetched

Also, make sure to have your gear enchanted. Under geared people may still get accepted if they take the effort to enchant their gear properly. Conversely, well geared people with no enchants will be turned down.

What sets you aside from other applicants:
I always turn up for Raids, I listen when people offer advice, Very Active and I have a clear reason for joining Devils Backbone because I remember having fun when I have raided with you before so I'm sure I will again.

Previous guild(s):
Reminiscence on Kul Tiras.

Reason(s) why you left previous guild(s):
At the moment I'm still in my IRL mates guild which Raided a lot but now is disbanded due to everyone quitting, thats the only Guild iv been in for the last few Months.

Reasons why you would like to join:
I used to be in Devils Backbone 2 or 3 Years ago and when I was in the Guild back then I enjoyed myself, the reason I left is because I left the realm with my IRL mates but now I wish to come back because most of them have quit and you guys have the same progress as my SP so it looks like a perfect match for me.

Were all of the above characters levelled by you from the start?:
Yes I don't let people on my Account.

Any alts you would like to join with:
Well I would have to Transfer them but im not sure yet unless you need them. I have a geared Resto Druid and a Geared Demo Lock.

Are there any people in the guild that you know:
I will probably know quite a few people but my memory is a bit hazy because it was 2 or 3 years ago I raided with you guys, But I remember Durfink the most, because we used to both be Dwarf Holy Pala's.

Re: Farfetched - Shadow Priest XRealm

PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 12:50 am
by Dris
hey, thanks for the app - we could use a lock (we have two others about to trial so it's not 100%) - so create something on tura and let's chat a bit


Re: Farfetched - Shadow Priest XRealm

PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 12:57 am
by Farfetched
Yep Iv allready got a old alt still here, the name is Cureth, if you want to contact me ingame =)

Re: Farfetched - Shadow Priest XRealm

PostPosted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 2:45 pm
by Highbred
Hey there, I remember your bubble+hearth on a Magtheridon wipe during your trial, made me chuckle. Look forward to seeing you on Turalyon again

(Was Rogue names Highspirits back in TBC)

Re: Farfetched - Shadow Priest XRealm

PostPosted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 9:41 pm
by Farfetched
Haha yes I remember that now =p I was a bit foolish back then :D but yea I remember I remember you Highspirits, you were a Human Rogue hehe =p Its remarkable that you remember me doing that haha