Timethriller 70 Warlock

Think you've got what it takes to join The Devils Backbone? Post your details in here and we'll get back to you

Moderators: Drexx, Løyning

Timethriller 70 Warlock

Postby Timethriller (imported) on Tue Apr 22, 2008 1:38 am

Well what is there to know about me...

18 Years old living in the south of england.

Been playing WoW juust after TBC Started. Moved to Turalyon for the pvp at first, managed to go above 2k got my shoulders, a few 2k rating teams. Before i moved here was in a BT raiding guild but got bored of pure pve so moved here for a chance of sceneary. Now im quite bored of pvp so am looking to join a not so far progressed raiding guild for the fun of progressing again

Cleared all raid instances not sunwell though and not all of BT however as i heard you are yet to experence it.
Timethriller (imported)

Timethriller 70 Warlock

Postby Dris (imported) on Tue Apr 22, 2008 5:16 pm


hey mate, some nice gear there, and as such i'm sure it won't be a problem for us to trial you (which i suspect with your level of raid experience and kit you'd pass with flying colours) as i doubt you'll be rolling against many of our locks! given how we can often find ourselves a little short on raiding locks your presence will be very handy.

the way our trial system works is we grab you for guild, so we can see how you cope with us and our ways in /g, then you raid some 25, 10 and 5man content to see if we like you and you like us. then, after that trial period of a few weeks generally, we let you know if you're in or out and you'll gain access to guild repairfunds etc.

your class officer is knipex btw, though i believe you may have approached us via him, no?

anyhoo, i'll grab you next time i see you, and gl with the trial Image




Dris (imported)

Timethriller 70 Warlock

Postby Cheekybelle (imported) on Tue Apr 22, 2008 8:37 pm

Howdy Image

Trial is 2 week, on the condition that you actually show and join some of the fun during that period. If you fail to do so, it will be extended until a later date Image

No blue bar = dead main tank
Cheekybelle (imported)

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