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Warrior Arms dps looking to join the guild - Zmaj

PostPosted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 4:48 am
by Zmaj
Character name:Zmaj,Night Elf

Character class:Warrior

Character level:80

Character spec:Arms 57/14/0

Character tradeskill professions and levels:Blacksmithing-Mining(both 450)/Forst Aid 450

In The Devils Backbone we use the WoW voice chat. Please make sure you are familiar with it. A microphone is not required but you do need to listen to tactics and hilarious banter.- Okay,sure,

Naxx wings cleared 10 man:Yes

Sartharion 10 man:Yes

Malygos 10 man:Yes

Naxx wings cleared 25 man:Yes

Sartharion 25 man:Yes

Malygos 25 man:Yes

Ulduar 10 man:only done collosal forge

Ulduar 25 man:only done collosal forge,tried some other bosses Aureya

Make sure to give us an armory link (try to log off in the gear you wish to raid in e.g. healers log off in healing gear) ... yon&n=Zmaj

Also, make sure to have your gear enchanted. Under geared people may still get accepted if they take the effort to enchant their gear properly. Conversely, well geared people with no enchants may be turned down, or told to enchant their gear ASAP before raids.

Previous guild(s):
Vangaurd of Chaos - disbanded
Disturbed - disbanded
Order of the Black Rose - left due to misunderstanding with some guy :(
Void - left them due to their short time raid they've had at the beggining of Ulduar patch in uld.
TheCoreWithin - kicked due to inactivity because i've had to sudden break for knee surgery i've had which happened like three weeks before original date set

Reasons why you would like to join:always been a part of good community,environment,sorrounded with good people and great persons,wish to continue that with you folks,as I’ve heard a lot of good stuffs about you,want to have good fun time and laugh while progerssing through end-game content where I will eventually evolve more as player and perhaps learn a trick or two…

Were all of the above characters levelled by you from the start?: Yes

Any alts you would like to join with: Got three alts :
Divljesrce Night Elf Druid level 80 dual-spec'd 1st Feral Tank 2nd Restoration
Rockstarr Night Elf Hunter level 80 pvp Surv.
Zezanje Human Death Knight level 80 pvp blood spec'd

As for the joining with alts concern,it depends on you guys whether you might need some of them or not,either way I'm cool with it.

Thank you in advance,looking forward to hear from you
/greetings from Serbia

Re: Warrior Arms dps looking to join the guild - Zmaj

PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 2:50 pm
by Drexx
Very sorry for the late reply Zmaj, but we're not really looking for anymore DPS warriors (or warriors for that matter) at this time. I wish you good luck in finding a new guild to call home :)

Re: Warrior Arms dps looking to join the guild - Zmaj

PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 4:21 pm
by Dris
however, if you're looking to raid with your hunter, you should have a chat with gwath, my hunter officer. he might be interested in talking to you...


Re: Warrior Arms dps looking to join the guild - Zmaj

PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 4:41 pm
by Gwath
Hi Zmaj,

We are full on warriors as Drexx told, but I am looking for another hunter to fill the ranks. I realize your hunter is an alt and may not be the character you enjoy or prefer to raid with, but that is all we can offer at this point.

I will mention that we do have a strict policy regarding alts and mains, you have to pick a main when raiding with us and stick with your choice. Swapping is possible but highly discouraged and only after both class officers agree on it.

You can leave a reply here or pm/contact me, Dris or any other officer if you want to discuss it.


Re: Warrior Arms dps looking to join the guild - Zmaj

PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 5:17 pm
by Zmaj
Thank you for response and information about warrior's status in your guild,really appreciate it...also,thanks for concidering my application...However,as for my hunter alt concern,as you guys just said,it's an alt and serves me mostly for farming,supplying and making foods for my main-warrior and additional golds,since plate wearers are so freaking expancive to play...Not sure if gear,gems and enchants choice fits well for your standards...see you all around,have fun & good luck,and big greeting to my ex-fellow guildmates from OotBR :)