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Sobor, shadowpriest

PostPosted: Mon May 18, 2009 6:27 pm
by Sobor
Character name: Sobor

Character class: Priest

Character level: 80

Character spec: Shadow (Holy as secondary spec)

Character tradeskill professions and levels: 450 in both Herbalism and Alchemy (Transmutation master)

In The Devils Backbone we use the WoW voice chat. Please make sure you are familiar with it. A microphone is not required but you do need to listen to tactics and hilarious banter.
I've actually tried it once, only for questing though. I dont got any mic yet, but I am a good listener :]

Naxx wings cleared 10 man: Done all the wings, but havent been able to clear Sapphiron yet. I have cleared KT.

Sartharion 10 man: Cleared, but with no drakes.

Malygos 10 man: Made it to the third phase. I do know all the tactics though.

Naxx wings cleared 25 man: Arachnid and Plague is fully cleared. I have managed to defeat Patchwerk and Grobbulus in the Construct quarter.

Sartharion 25 man: Cleared, but with no drakes. Fully willing to try it out though, have been requesting it buttloads of times in my previous guilds

Malygos 25 man: Never even tried

Ulduar 10 man: Done Leviathan and razorscale. Gave XT-002 a try, but failed. Same with Ignis.

Ulduar 25 man: Never tried.

Armory link: ... on&n=Sobor

Previous guild(s): Asherons Exiles, Heroes of Mediocrity, The spartians, Slackers (I'm currently in this one)

Reasons why you would like to join: The Devils Backbone seems like a well established and organized guild, which have been existing for ages. I have been in way too many unserious guilds with barely any progression (most of my raiding exp is from pugs).

Were all of the above characters levelled by you from the start?: Yep, they were.

Any alts you would like to join with: Perhaps my DPSing DK, Haidar.

Re: Sobor, shadowpriest

PostPosted: Mon May 18, 2009 6:28 pm
by Dris
nice app sobor, we'll be in touch asap


Re: Sobor, shadowpriest

PostPosted: Tue May 19, 2009 12:56 pm
by Sobor
As I told you earlier, Dris, that if I got picked up, I would be able to raid tonight. Unfortunately, my gf just called me, and she wanted to come to me and sleep over. I am so sorry, but you should be aware of this, since I told you that this could happen. However, I am a 100 % sure that I will be able to attend any raids tomorrow, thursday AND friday! :)